So I spent 6 months with a missions organization called Youth With a Mission and these are photos from that time. Youth With a Mission or YWAM runs a school called a Discipleship Training School or DTS and in this school you spend 3 months training and then 3 months in a foreign country doing missions.
People who are anywhere from 18 to 30 usually do a DTS. However the reason I love YWAM is that it gives kids who just graduate High School direction and shows them Gods call on their life. In a society where most of our kids that graduate our youth groups will lose their faith in College, I think that our kids need direction and vision most of all.
People that come out of a DTS are fired up for God and want to follow his call on their life. This is the reason I like YWAM and this is why I am going back to be on staff with YWAM.
My flight for England leaves on Sept. 4. If you want to know more about what Im doing let me know. I am sending out letters letting people know what I need and what Im doing.
My e-mail address is ab.surfer@gmail.com