As I sit here on my back porch enjoying a tall glass of sweet tea I'm drawn to ponder the manly event of the hunt. Stalking ones prey, waiting for the opportune moment, discipline, patience, perseverance, under often unbearable conditions. Thrilling.
So might I inquire of the council to join me on a hunt of the most illusive game?
The Mullet.
As weather turns cooler the mullet seem to become much more vibrant and daring in their outings. They frequent the feeding grounds of waffle houses and wal-marts making their capture on almost effortless.
I caught this one earlier today...

Mullet Hunting Season Rules.
1. Must be a live mullet. No pictures taken out of hunting seasons or photo shop mullets. A Mullet is defined by hair that is noticeably longer in the back of the head than in the front.2. Must be posted to this post with picture. We all should have access to edit posts. Not left as a comment. (can't leave pictures)
3. 1 point for one mullet. Multi mullet shots (MMS) or if you are able to be in the picture with the mullet extra points will be awarded.
- 1 extra point will be included if any of the following apply...
- The man is shirtless
- if there is beer in the picture
- if there is a visible farmers tan
- if there is any mention of NASCAR in the picture
4. Person with the most points will win dinner at the next council gathering.
5. Season runs for one month from Midnight Oct. 8th until Midnight Nov. 8th in case of a tie the between two people the contest will be decided by a battle between a claymore and samurai sword in Dan Eady's old living room.
6. These rules can be amended by a majority vote of the council.
Above all be careful the mullet is unpredictable. Happy hunting.
Chris Martin - it's the coach of the DeSales University field hockey team; went there to watch my cousin play. boo yah.


Blast! I should have waited to move out of the south until after mullet hunting season. There might be some up here in Philly that I can get a picture of.
I'm in.
Listen central and western PA is a bastion of the hardy norther mullet. Just ask James. I can't imagine they've stayed contained to that side of the state.
An incredible challenge. I'm glad I finally replaced my broken camera phone. I'll be the undercover mullet patrol!
looks like Chris Joel and I are tied at one each
I am ashamed of myself. I probably should have my hunting license revoked.
I am a pretty experienced studier of the habits of mullets. I know that they are drawn anytime of the day or night to Lowe's, late evenings and weekends at Walmart, and late night at any Waffle House. What I did not anticipate was the apparent allure of The Olive Garden on a Sunday evening. There I saw no less than four beautiful specimens: including a stunning grey of balding variety, and the rare (but not too unusual) curly butch female mullet. I was so stunned to view so many congregating in that environment that, for a moment, I forgot myself.
The shameful part is that as I looked them in the eye, in that environment, I just couldn't pull the trigger.
I don't know what has become of me.
i saw a great one last night but there was no way to get a picture without being obvious.
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