Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Update: Ricardo

I too have had limited access to internet due to the lack of computer. It's on my wishlist as I raise support to be in france by June of 2009. I have been speaking to small groups at my church and that is where I have had the most success in gaining prayer and financial support.

I am spending mornings working on letters and making calls and appointments. Have all but stopped sleeping in. it's amazing how much you can get done when you get up before noon. Yeah, no lie, i used to sleep til noon and then head right to work.

I work at an Afterschool Program that I used to run and now just teach the 5th grade group. Work about 5 hrs a day;don't have to be there in pawleys until 1:30. pretty relaxed schedule for this not-a-morning person.

Was in Hospital the last 2 days of August. diabetic fatigue.
But have been eating right and managing it with insulin. so well it's been normal the last 3 weeks.
Also started working out with my health nut roomie. Twice a week at 6:00. I hates it! Accountability requires I say I weigh 225 lbs and am hoping to be fit and firm by the time I leave.

Finances are tight but it's workin out. I just need to stop getttin speedin tickets.

I hope to stay involved from now on so here goes.

I always feel like a toddler when I hear what you guys are mulling and chewin on. I have been readin Phillipians and realizing I must not have paid attention many of the previous readings. Most of my reading has centered on bios of vicitms of violence/genocide in Africa. Streams in the Desert being the best and most recent. oh and Not On Our watch co-authored by Don Cheadle.

I wonder what you guys think is a good balance for how much we privately and then collectively(the body of Christ) should be doin about the genocidal vilence in counrties like Sierra leone, the Congo, Chad, Sudan..ect?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to hear from you buddy! As far as your questions go God has brought into my life lately several people from areas either directly affected by genocide or have been dealt the hand of caring for the refugees. My only response is to cry redemption.