Friday, January 30, 2009

Men.... Pray

Dear Council we are moments away from the birth of my daughter. Everything so far as gone really well. Lisa and I would appreciate your prayers.

*there will be updates on twitter and my facebook status.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mr. Piper... Amen!

Situational Training...

Wow quiet around here these days....

The Resurgence posted a great article on their website. Worth reading and passing on to the other men we are leading.

Monday, January 26, 2009

From Across the Pond

I send greetings to the council of men from England. I have been over here for a little over a week now and I have been meaning to post some pictures for the council but I am having some tech difficulties. Anyway I have been to a Youth Ministry conference and I got to see youth ministry in action here in England. I plan to give a full report when i am back in the states but until then i will talk to you later.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Funny

This comes to us from my boss's blog...

Between 18 and 22, a woman is like Africa, half discovered, half wild, fertile and naturally beautiful!
Between 23 and 30, a woman is like Europe, well developed and open to trade, especially for someone with cash.
Between 31 and 35, a woman is like Spain , very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty.
Between 36 and 40, a woman is like Greece, gently aging but still a warm and desirable place to visit.
Between 41 and 50, a woman is like Great Britain, with a glorious and all conquering past.
Between 51 and 60, a woman is like Israel , has been through war and doesn’t make the same mistakes twice, takes care of business.
Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Canada, self-preserving but open to meeting new people.
After 70, she becomes like Tibet, wildly beautiful, with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages. . .only those with an adventurous spirit and a thirst for knowledge visit there.

Between 1 and 70, a man is like Iran, ruled by nuts.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


"This has the potential to open a can of worms..." 1 Dave 7:3

So I know Randy and I have been wrestling with the place and role of baptism as it pertains to not only believers but that of children and their parents as well. I'm in the process of reading several books on the subject and hope to reach some conclusion. How about the rest of you fine upstanding men? Biblically speaking how does your theology of baptism play out in your life?

I fully realize and support this discussion leading into a bigger one on Covenant Theology.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

question for the council

I have been pondering for a couple days now about fasting. What I have been pondering is...when fasting is done with the mentality of 'if i do this for God, God will do this for me' isn't that....wrong? but isn't that why the majority of Christians do it? any thoughts?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different.

Presenting High-Kick Girl:

Coming soon to Japan (and then the Internet).
I for one could not be more excited.

Now Introducing...

Hey guys, I woulda felt much better having Dave introduce me b/c then you guys could have found out how awesome I am without me coming across as vain. As it is, Dave has chickened out and I'm stuck with trying to sound humble while I describe my awesomeness. My name is Iain, I'm a libra. I'm an episcopal priest (actually, not a priest. I don't slaughter animals at an altar. Jesus is our only priest now, but you get the picture). I served w/ Dave Libbon at St Paul's in Conway, SC where I was sorta his boss, except he had more experience than me and I did everything he told me to. I'm serving now at Trinity Episcopal Church in Myrtle Beach as the Associate Rector in charge of Christian Education. We're in the middle of turning an established mainline denominational church in a retirement community into a church that's Reformed, Relevant, Missional, and Evangelistic. It's fun. I have a blog here where I post all sorts of things, mostly from dead guys or lesson plans from classes I'm teaching here. I like to read books. That's who I am. I know some of you, and I've met a couple of you only a few times. I am honored and humbled to be a part of this most prestigious council of men. I pray that I can make an edifying contribution. Pax, Iain

Monday, January 12, 2009

Prayer Request

Hey guys, for those of you who attended man nite and know about my school situation, I have turned in about half of the work, and am trying to get the rest done by Wednesday. Please pray for grace and expedient grading that I might receive my degree. Thanks

Thought to ponder.

A friend emailed me this recently...

"Thought to ponder for today though, because i would like your opinion, is there a difference between living a faith where "Christ is in me" vs. one where "i am in Christ"?"

I replied...

Good question i feel that it's more than just semantics. I think I'd personally lean more toward me being found "in Christ" from God's point of view, where as from a practical horizontal view Christ is in me. Gal 2:20, and Col 1:7(Christ in you the hope of glory)

That's my first crack at it realistically it's God the holy spirit who dwells in the hearts of believers leading us to be found in the son who has redeemed us to the father.

hmm i shall ponder further.

...also i shall let Fr. Boyd introduce himself. Needless to say he's the only one who I know who knows how Calvin used milk.

My New Favorite Pastor

I just found an article on Metafilter about a church in Seattle that I wanted to let everyone here know about. It's headed by a sharp-tongued pastor who preaches (some form of) Calvinism. I wasn't sure about that until I read that he preaches for over an hour. The article does have a negative slant, but manages not to get in its own way most of the time. Reading it mostly makes me tired of how unable we are to all find truth and run with it, but I cannot wait to hear what you guys think of it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Blog

Real quick. Just thought I'd let you guys know that I started a new blog over at Since I spend so much time looking at random stuff that I think is awesome on the internet, I figured I'd start a blog to share it with the rest of the world. Go check it out if you've got some time to waste.

Also, holy crap, Wordpress completely dominates Blogger in the categories of ease-of-use, design, and EASE-OF-USE. I noticed that Fr/Rev/Mr? Boyd has seen the light as well and has a blog. If y'all ever want to migrate this blog over there, it's apparantly pretty easy.

PS- I put this in a comment, but I'll say it here too. I don't think I'm the only one who hasn't officially met Ian, so maybe Dave (or Ian himself), you could do a little intro for him to welcome him to the group. Ian, if we've met like 30 times before and I'm just forgetting, I'll take another man foul.

Friday, January 9, 2009

As this weekend approaches these words have been highlighted in my mind.
“No man can give the impression that he himself is clever and that Christ is mighty to save.”
For those who don't know Saturday night is our first "public" meeting! We're pretty excited about it. My prayer is that God is in the center of all we do and that He gets all the glory.

On the flip side, ever hear of a guy named Bon Iver? I saw him on the Late Show was pretty impressed.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

John Calvin Put Milk Where?

Remember that John Calvin is that famed great theologian who is oft derided for his love of God's sovereign rule over creation. It's important to remember the great comfort that Calvin recognized the Scriptures gave for us in the midst of suffering. That's why the same man who wrote this about his kidney stones:
"[They] gave me exquisite pain. ... At length not without the most painful strainings I ejected a calculus which in some degree mitigated my sufferings, but such was its size that it lacerated the urinary canal and a copious discharge of blood followed. This hemorrhage could only be arrested by an injection of milk through a syringe." (from John Piper's biography here)
Could write this about God's sovereignty in sending the disciples out on a boat in the middle of a storm:
Matthew 14:22. And immediately Jesus constrained his disciples They must have been constrained; for they would never, of their own accord, have left him, and gone to the other side. Now in this they testify their great veneration for him, when, contrary to their own opinions, they yield to his command and obey it. And, indeed, it had an appearance of absurdity, that he should remain alone in a desert place, when night was approaching. But so much the greater commendation is due to the submissiveness of those who set a higher value on the authority of their heavenly teacher than on all that could be pleaded on the other side. And, indeed, we do not truly and perfectly obey God, unless we implicitly follow whatever he commands, though our feelings may be opposed to it. There is always the best reason, no doubt, for every thing that God does; but he often conceals it from us for a time, in order to instruct us not to be wise in ourselves, but to depend entirely on the expression of his will. And thus Christ constrained his disciples to cross over, in order to train them to that rule of obedience which I have mentioned; though there cannot be a doubt that he intended to prepare the way for the miracle which will immediately come under our consideration.

23. He went up into a mountain alone. It is probable that the Son of God, who was fully aware of the tempest that was coming on, did not neglect the safety of his disciples in his prayers; and yet we naturally wonder that he did not rather prevent the danger than employ himself in prayer. But in discharging all the parts of his office as Mediator, he showed himself to be God and man, and exhibited proofs of both natures, as opportunities occurred. Though he had all things at his disposal, he showed himself to be a man by praying; and this he did not hypocritically, but manifested sincere and human affection towards us. In this manner his divine majesty was for a time concealed, but was afterwards displayed at the proper time.
You can read the full text here
So, the question remains. Can you and I rejoice in God's Sovereignty even when he sends us kidney stones?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Applicable to my question . . .

Here's a little cartoon that's kind of applicable to my question about God's grace over our wrong beliefs. It's more related to the type of mentality that gave rise to my question, namely the polemical, "everyone--no seriously, everyone--who doesn't believe things the same way we do is either too stupid or too prideful to get it right" type of mentality that probably all of us have come across in the blogosphere (and sometimes in the pulpit) at some point or another.

Apple = Genius

The guys at Apple are so good . . .

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

Monday, January 5, 2009

Anyone got any thoughts on...

Christian Zionism?

The question came up today and honestly i've never been asked my opinion on the subject. Believe it or not it's not brought up much in the circles of teenagers i travel in. I had to say that the belief that God has ordained Israel to occupy the area of the globe it presently sits seems a poor reading of the OT.

I've got more to say but would like to hear others thoughts.

Man Foul

I have several great thoughts about this weekend i'll post later however i was surprised when i walked into my bathroom and found a bright yellow bottle with the words..."Hairapy", "Bounce", "Daring Volume", and "Turn Blah into Bounce"

I thought surely this is Lisa's but however it is not. Which one of our manly crew could need to turn "blah into bounce"

Does such grooming supplies constitute a foul?

Sweet Article

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Man Gathering::Postscript

For all who were able to make it this weekend, it was an enjoyable time to hangout and share where we are at in our respective journeys. As always, and especially after a gathering, I am grateful for the gift that this council is to my life. I am encouraged and refreshed when we get together. Those who couldn't attend were missed, but I pray that you are encouraged in your faith and that this new year would bring you may chances to witness the grace of God in the events of your life. "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you." (1 Cor. 16:23)

On another note, Randy mentioned how hard it is to access the blog from another computer because of the ginormous nature of the current url. So in response to that, here is an easy to remember url: