I have several great thoughts about this weekend i'll post later however i was surprised when i walked into my bathroom and found a bright yellow bottle with the words..."Hairapy", "Bounce", "Daring Volume", and "Turn Blah in

to Bounce"
I thought surely this is Lisa's but however it is not. Which one of our manly crew could need to turn "blah into bounce"
Does such grooming supplies constitute a foul?

I will claim that hairapy shampoo. I'll even take a man foul for it. But in my defense, it was given to me by a friend who said she loved SunSilk stuff and gave me the rest of her bottle after I complimented her hair.
For shame. For shame.
Um, in no way is that a good defense. I think you just made it worse. Why didn't you just tell us that your mom threw it in your bag when she packed for you because she's concerned about your split ends!?
I mean, Jeremy didn't even shower on Saturday. Meanwhile you're in the bathroom adding body and bounce to your hair!
Voting for an official foul here.
PS- Your hair does look great.
BTW, what would "daring" volume be?
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