Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What resources are feeding you these days.

As men i think its healthy to always keep an eye on what and how we are feeding ourselves. Both physically and spiritually. So my questions for the council is....What and where are you eating these days. With summer approaching it seems that, at least in my world, there is a change in routine as well as a change in seasons. My questions to the group is what things...sermons...books...podcasts...essays...topics...etc. are feeding you these days. I'm looking for some new books etc. What's stirring you?


Randy Goff said...

I must confess. I haven't been doing much reading these days. I have been trying to be more consistent in my Bible reading plan. I have been using the ESV online audio a good bit.

I listen to John Piper and Matt Chandler every week. I find they stir my heart with passion for Jesus.

I have just started listening to the audiobook version of Lewis' Space Trilogy. It has really affected me in regards to the greatness of God revealed in creation.

boydmonster said...

Hey Dave, my big problem with being fed is that I'm really ADD with my reading list. I usually am reading about 5 books at a time really slowly. Right now I'd narrow down the stuff that's feeding me to two books 1) J.C. Ryle 'Holiness'. 2) A Call to Spiritual Reformation D.A. Carson. I've always had a shoddy prayer life, this book challenges/encourages/equips mine. The other thing I read recently that really blew my mind is this http://www.blc.net.my/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/a-simple-way-to-pray-luther.pdf Luther's barber asked him how he prayed, he responded with like a twenty page letter, really awesome.