Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Update: Jeremy

Well I didn't intend on taking this long to update everyone on what's been going on, but I suppose that's how it goes sometime. Honestly, I have not known what to say other than to recount the mundane happenings of life, but here's a try...

So after graduating in May, I felt like I slipped into that place you find yourself in during transition times where you ask a lot of questions about the future. I guess the relentless four year cycle of working, school, relationship and a little music put more pressure than I realized on my mind and heart. Although it took a while to settle down, I'm starting to relax and feel like I'm actually not a robot!

Work is going well. I split my work time up between graphic design and title work for the summer and early fall, and now I'm mostly doing design. Check out our space We're still working on some features of the site. I'm learning a lot and enjoying the work.

But I suppose the real story behind what's going on is the change in my approach to Christianity. When I decided four years ago to not return to ministry, I didn't know where the decision would lead. I had been jaded by what I had seen in my Charismatic exposure to faith, and was lamenting a loss in my Christianity. It seemed to me that following Christ had become a religion; not what made people, including myself, give up all and follow. What I had lost was Jesus himself. My years of service and striving were not centered around the person of Christ, but my ability to be a better human whether by psychology or discipline. I'll have to admit that in my thoughts and affections, I came close to walking away from anything Christian, but I found that the center and source of faith was in Christ, not my ability to be good. I know some of you are probably saying, "that's just the gospel," but other things were emphasized to me in my early years of faith. Performance and good behavior were exalted above truthful maturity, and I expended the lion's share of my efforts on being "good enough." I'll have to say that the real breaking point for me, the reorganization of my faith, came through Randy and I reading The Reason for God together this summer. Keller helped me realize that my questions were not only valid, but necessary if I wanted a faith and belief I could build my life on.

So that is a feeble attempt at summing up the recent months and past four years of my journey. My prayer is that Jesus will be the center, that he will affect the thoughts and actions of my life, and I pray the same for each of you.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Time to show what you can grow.

Felt this met the manly criteria of this site.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Update: The long lost Randy

May the Council accept my deepest and humblest apologies for my time AWOL. I will accept whatever (reasonable) censure it deems fit to dole out to me.

The past three weeks have been incredibly busy with work. I have been up early in the morning and to bed early in the morning just trying to keep up. For that I am very thankful. I was and am very concerned over the economic situation. But, God has reminded me that He is the provider for my family, not me. He may glorify Himself in sustaining the business in desperate times. Or He may glorify Himself in providing our daily needs and filling our hearts with joy in the midst of economic struggles. Either way, I pray He helps keep me faithful to Him and my family.

The family is doing well. Sophia is almost sixteen months old. The growth is fun to watch. She changes from week to week and month to month. The holidays should be an adventure this year. She is such a girl! She loves baby dolls, purses, and tea sets already! Fatherhood is more scary than I even realized before. But, it is rich and full of joys I never knew before.

It has been a real treat to watch Meg grow into motherhood. It's difficult to describe. But, she's so much more beautiful now than ever. And the beauty has such depth to it. She amazes me every day with the grace, humility, compassion, and hard work that being a mom demands.

We have joined an ABF (medium size group, kinda like a glorified Sunday school class) at church. I am sharing the teaching duties with one of the associate pastors. We are working through the Gospel of John right now. It has been very rewarding. I have been having more fun studying and teaching than I have in a long time.

Martin, Thanks for keeping on me about posting. I am terrible about responding to messages, especially when I'm busy. I know you have been busy, too. I can't imagine the strain, even on an intellect such as yours! I am praying for you.

Chris, you may not feel like you are doing much. But, you are investing in the most important thing in your life between now and your death - your marriage. Invest wisely over the next year. There will be plenty of time in the future to do stuff. But, during that time, the quality of what you can do will be determined by the quality of your marriage. God has not forgotten you. He has you where He wants you. He is molding you according to His plan and timing. Take it from a guy who took a VERY long time to learn that.

On a sappy note. As I read all the updates I am filled with pride, admiration, and sometimes jealousy over all that you guys are up to! I hate that we are scattered all over the place. But, as we are, I pray that we would use this forum to encourage each other and hold each other accountable to be men that reflect our King's life and character.

Spurgon Quote

I would love to be able to produce just one quote in my lifetime like the following quote by Charles Spurgeon from a sermon on Joshua 24:15, delivered on April 18, 1875:
The great guide of the world is fashion and it's god is respectability--two phantoms at which brave men laugh! How many of you look around on society to know what to do? You watch the general current and then float upon it! You study the popular breeze and shift your sails to suit it. True men do not so! You ask, "Is it fashionable? If it is fashionable, it must be done." Fashion is the law of multitudes, but it is nothing more than the common consent of fools.

Friday, November 21, 2008

update: joel sewell of the clan sewell

Hows it goin? quick update for the deep south. Things are going well here. been crazy busy! for those who don't know i work at Lowe's full time. It's a good job but my department mng. is lazy and expects me to do everything. That's not all bad because the store mng. reads all the paper work and sees that I am doing it all. He asked me a couple weeks ago why I didn't sign up for the mng training. "I've only been here for 3 months and you have to be here a year" he said he would look past that for me. So you never know, this time next year you can call me Mr. Manager!

The family is doing well. the little one has a double ear infection and the wife is getting pretty sick too. The church (the reason we moved here) is set to launch the first week in Jan. We have been meeting since June, getting prepped and forming a good core group. We were given an "Arts" building by a private school to meet in. that was pretty cool. We are all molding pretty well together. There have been some hick-ups but all is well. It's been a good training ground for us. Showing us who we are and what we believe and what we don't believe. To be honest I have been kinda looking towards my next venture. We're kinda looking at moving on in the next 5 years. Not totally sure what that may be, maybe starting a church with some of you guys (anyone want to move to Atlanta?)

I've been listing to Mark Driscal's new sermon series "the pleasant princess" totally recommend it to all you married couples! and if your not listen to it anyways! I haven't read anything latley, just been lazy with it.

We've been talking alot about the election down here. I personaly didn't vote for Obama but i am kinda glad to see him in there. I think he is the only man avalible that can get our counrty excited to do somthing. ( just hope people fallow through.) Everyone big thing here is that they think he's a socialist ( he defently has socialist ideas). They think its wrong, i just keep on asking they if they want there kids to drive when they want too or like not having explect language and porn on tv or regulations on drug companys. That's all a form of socialism (govenment controling the privite sectore) we just need a little more conservitives in the house and senate to have a true check and balance system.

Well those are my thoughts

Getting kind of crazy

Hey guys. It's been really good to hear from everybody. Thanks for all the updates.

If y'all think about it, I could use some prayer over the next week or two as the semester winds down. Things are getting pretty crazy up here with the amount of school work I have to do and I'm at the threshold of apathy right now so I'm really having to fight to not just give up on the work. It's not that I'm not interested. It's just that there's so much work that my reaction is just to sink under it all and wait for it to pass.

Also, has anyone talked to Randy lately? I've tried every method of communication (calling him out on the blog, Facebook, email, and phone call) and haven't gotten a response from him. I'm not sure if anything's wrong, but it just makes me worried that he hasn't gotten back to me yet.

Finally, as for the Man Night Reunion, it looks like the best time for me to do that would be sometime after Christmas. I've got to be back in Philly on Jan 6, but I probably won't leave to come back up here until the 5th so anytime before that is fine with me. What dates between Dec 26 and Jan 4th work for y'all?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Update: Alexander

I also have not been big on posting, not for lack of computer access but because of sheer laziness. However this is my attempt to fix that situation.

So life is good down here at camp saint christopher, for those of you who don't know I live and work there now. It can get kind of lonely out here but other than that I can't complain.

Recently I had the priveledge of going on a 30 mile men's hike with holy cross of sullivan's island. These hikes are becoming a big ministry here in charleston and after going on one I began to see why.

My experience was amazing and I would say that if you haven't been on one of these hikes before you NEED to go. It is truly powerful to here men of all ages talk about crap that they go through and there relationship with God. I have to say when a older guy levels with you about his wife leaving him and his kids, there are very few things that can be so powerful.

One of the main points of the hike is to work through the father wound. And on my second day we start the hike out in silence leaving camp in silence and we do this for one hour. So I start to talk to God and in my thoughts I am thinking about mission statements for my life. John piper has one and it's to "know God and make his glory known." Chris warner the priest I work for has this same mission statement. So I start thinking that I want this mission statement. I want the one that they have so right there I decided to claim it. As soon as I made that decision (no bs) I heard a voice in my head that said "this is my son with whom I am well pleased." This was huge for me I immediately thought of Jesus's baptism with what was said to me. So I went and asked the priest that was in our group what was the significance of that verse in the Bible and he said that it was the validation of Jesus as Gods son and it was the beginning of his ministry. This blew me away because it answered the point of the hike which was to address the father wound.

So anyway believe it or not that's what I found on the hike and I recommend that every man go at least once I think I might go again in the spring. If anyone wants to go but doesn't know who to talk to let me know and I can help.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Update: Ricardo

I too have had limited access to internet due to the lack of computer. It's on my wishlist as I raise support to be in france by June of 2009. I have been speaking to small groups at my church and that is where I have had the most success in gaining prayer and financial support.

I am spending mornings working on letters and making calls and appointments. Have all but stopped sleeping in. it's amazing how much you can get done when you get up before noon. Yeah, no lie, i used to sleep til noon and then head right to work.

I work at an Afterschool Program that I used to run and now just teach the 5th grade group. Work about 5 hrs a day;don't have to be there in pawleys until 1:30. pretty relaxed schedule for this not-a-morning person.

Was in Hospital the last 2 days of August. diabetic fatigue.
But have been eating right and managing it with insulin. so well it's been normal the last 3 weeks.
Also started working out with my health nut roomie. Twice a week at 6:00. I hates it! Accountability requires I say I weigh 225 lbs and am hoping to be fit and firm by the time I leave.

Finances are tight but it's workin out. I just need to stop getttin speedin tickets.

I hope to stay involved from now on so here goes.

I always feel like a toddler when I hear what you guys are mulling and chewin on. I have been readin Phillipians and realizing I must not have paid attention many of the previous readings. Most of my reading has centered on bios of vicitms of violence/genocide in Africa. Streams in the Desert being the best and most recent. oh and Not On Our watch co-authored by Don Cheadle.

I wonder what you guys think is a good balance for how much we privately and then collectively(the body of Christ) should be doin about the genocidal vilence in counrties like Sierra leone, the Congo, Chad, Sudan..ect?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thoughts on Social Justice.

So this coming weekend I'm teaching at a conference on Social Justice. So i thought i'd bring it to the council for your thought's on the interplay between the gospel and social justice. I'm looking for a little more then "yup it's a good thing"

my thoughts and possible direction on it can be found here.

*also Dixon Kinser who James knows will be one of the key note speakers, along with Iain Boyd.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Update: Chris

I too, like James, have not been disciplined enough in posting. It is hard for me because I enjoy talking, but have typically despised writing.

-I'm married, and trying to figure that out, especially what it means to lead my wife spiritually right now, because our schedules are currently conflicting so much, and mine changes from week to week so there's not really a way to solidify any kind of scheduled plan or anything.

-I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life, and it is wearing me out. I don't know if any of you have ever actually gotten tired from a feeling that you weren't really doing anything, but that's me right now. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing but I have never really enjoyed doing any one thing for too long, so I know getting a job and trying to climb the corporate ladder just is not going to work for me. But, right now if anything were to happen, such as a car going kapoot or accidentally getting pregnant, it would throw us over the top as far as money goes. So trying to figure out how to provide for my wife, especially admist the tumultousness of today's economy is very stressful. Add that to the fact that we just don't know how it will get any better because of the sheer size of my school debt, and it is a tad bit overbearing.

-I'm trying to volunteer at my church with my free time but that's been shaky at best.

-I'm down for trying to make a meeting, would be best for me if it was a day actually before Christmas.

-Love you.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Update: James

     I am not (and have never been) posting as often as I would like to; a large portion of the blame for that lies with the fact that I still don't have my own computer. I am using the TV watchin' computer that's hooked up in our living room for my internetting. As you can imagine even on an HDTV it isn't an ideal solution. Both pieces of hardware, by the way, belong to my land lord and roommate Sugar Shane Siciliano. I have nothing to do with either of them, other than the copious amounts of time I spend using them ( is my jam).
     -I was in Switzerland for three months in the Spring. Did I tell all of you that?
     -I moved to Pittsburgh when I got back, and started temping.
     -I just got a part-time job which may evolve into a full-time job, working at an internet-based-but-not-internet company. More on that as it develops, but the whole thing has a "I was not at all expecting to get on this train but I am now going to try and ride it until it crashes" kinda vibe.
     -My car is still falling apart, and I am afraid to drive it in all but the most necessary events.
     -My sister moved to Pittsburgh this fall to go to art school. I am really desirious that this would facilitate us growing much closer; we live about five miles away from each other at the moment. Long story short, I am her brother pretty much in name only (half-brother, specifically), it is entirely my fault that we are not close *at all* and in the last year or so that state of affairs has become completely unacceptable to me. I don't know how to fix that, but I would really like it to be (fixed). Among other attempts at hanging out that have happened since September she is playing in my new Dungeons & Dragons campaign (!?!!), which is a remarkable act of good will on her part.
     -The biggest *physical* goal on my plate right now is month-to-month financial stability. It is much harder than I expected it to be!
     -I am currently trying to learn German (from Rosetta Stone). It is both fun and hard.

     Dave, I would love to come visit in December. I am both poor and own a crappy car, but if I can make it happen it will happen. I may even consider taking a bus, but we had better plan on having *a lot* of fun if I employ that option.

Thank you much guys.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Update : Dave

Might just be us around here these days. Possible grounds for a "man foul" surrounding the failure keep the council blog updated regularly?? maybe

Here's my update

  • Having a baby: Well Lisa's having it my part is done until Feb. It is however rocking our world and I'm sure it's just beginning.
  • Ministry stuff is going well. Not sure how many of you guys know Chris Madeiras (SP) he's a Conway guy black hair drives a mustang he loves. He was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago had to have surgery. He'll find out later this week if it had spread. Probably would appreciate some prayer. We've been having a long season in the student ministry it's hitting that time of year where i need some unwind time. Thinking of using some of my vacation the week of Thanksgiving.
  • been processing a lot over at my blog probably the best update on current life could be found over there.
  • Been really pondering how to move people to action. Not sure what that means.
  • My latest brew is out of the bottle. It's my first attempt at a stout and unforunatly i think it's a failure. Somewhere along the line something didn't ferment properly so i'm 1 for 2 in the good beer making category. Maybe we'll take a shot at improving the "Libbon Lager" recepie. Which brings me to my next point.
I'd like to open my home to all who would wish to visit over the December month. I was thinking we could hold a N. Charleston Council meeting. Play some frisbee golf etc. We'd just need to get some dates throwing around. I know it'd be easier for Alex to make it if it was in this part of the state. Thoughts???

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Well, Dave says he's going to give us an update sometime soon, but what about the rest of you guys? Is anyone reading this thing anymore?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mullet season

Heads up bag'm and tag'm Mullet season ends in 4 days.

p.s. i plan on posting a personal update in a day or two.

Thought's on a Christmas season gathering of men?