Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cruciform Ethics

Hey guys. Long time no talk to. I don't have much time this morning, nor will I have much time in the next couple of weeks, but I wanted to point everyone to this really great series of blog posts I've just found.

They're by Daniel Kirk, a recent Westminster grad who is now teaching (I think) at Fuller Seminary. He's responding to a post by WTS church history prof and academic dean, Dr Carl Trueman, who suggested that the best way for Christians to "win" battles in institutions is to outmaneuver their opponents by using the bureaucratic system to their advantage. Kirk asks us to think about whether or not "playing the system" is what Christ did and would have his people do.

You can read Trueman's post here. The paragraph in question is an aside at the very end of the post, so there's not much need to read the rest of the post.

Here's Kirk's first post and his second.

At first, it was nice just to hear someone stick it to a person with whom I have major disagreements. But after a few minutes of thinking about it and some prayer, I started to get really convicted about how I personally live by the ethics of the world rather than the ethics of the cross. And I have been especially convicted when I think about what strategies I think are the most effective and what strategies I employ when I want to "win" an argument or someone's respect or gain authority.

I miss you guys. I'm not just saying that to end the post either. I'll be in SC for two weeks in the middle of July and I hope I can get together with some of y'all. If not then, then hopefully at the man gathering in the fall.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Gospel is...

True or False: The essence of the Christian message is that you are to love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. The answer is…FALSE!

This is not the message of the gospel but the message of the Law! When Jesus was asked about the sum of the Law, what did he say?

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (Mat 22.37-40)

click here to read the rest of the post and let me know what you think. It got me thinking

click here to read the follow up post to it.

What He Must Be...

A friend of mine dropped by the office and gave me a book recently. The title is "What He Must Be If He Wants To Marry My Daughter". I'm only a few chapters into it. It's definitely a hard core approach but then again I'm a fan of setting the bar high. I'll let ya know how the rest of the book shapes up.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Art of Manliness!

I saw this today, and thought of Randy. There's an overwhelming flood of manly information on this website, from nine ways (nine!) to start a fire without matches, to articles on how to properly shine your shoes or shave like your grandpa, the old-school manliness of The Art of Manliness cannot be ignored.

Warning! It's pretty hardcore. Be prepared to feel like less of a man than you did before you visited, but suck it up and stop being such a whiney baby.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What resources are feeding you these days.

As men i think its healthy to always keep an eye on what and how we are feeding ourselves. Both physically and spiritually. So my questions for the council is....What and where are you eating these days. With summer approaching it seems that, at least in my world, there is a change in routine as well as a change in seasons. My questions to the group is what things...sermons...books...podcasts...essays...topics...etc. are feeding you these days. I'm looking for some new books etc. What's stirring you?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

any thought...hello?!

here is an article i ran across, thought it was pretty good, what are you thought? That is if anyone reads this blog anymore!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cell phone company

So has your cell phone company ever really piss you off??

Sunday, May 3, 2009

question for ya

so what do you guys think about women in the ministry? Preaching, teaching, etc. right or wrong?